Discover who you are now!
A simple way to assess and understand patterns of behaviour, emotion, and thought that are part of you.
Your Personality test is free! Results are displayed on the screen immediately after completing the test!

Take the test
Your personality is more than just a “type.”
It is part genetic, part life experience, and 100% you.
Wouldn’t you like to know if you are getting in your own way?

Understanding my personality results
What makes me tick?
What are my strengths and vulnerabilities?
Where do I go from here?

Frequently Asked Questions
Will a personality test show whether I’m crazy?
The PersonalaMe Vision
PersonalaMe is a confidential psychological science-based platform with three goals:
- To help you get out of your own way
Since the time of ancient Greek philosophers like Aristotle, human behaviour has been described as what we repeatedly do. Over the last 100 years, psychologists have studied why we repeat these behaviours and found one of the most reliable explanations is personality. Understanding your personality may support your endeavours regarding familial, social, and occupational areas of life. - To demystify personality presentations for health professionals
Sometimes, health professionals would like to know more about your personality to better understand you and tailor interventions to your needs. If you like, results can be emailed to a chosen health professional. - To build research data for the Personality Inventory for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (PID-5)
The PID-5 is a scientific tool that measures normal and problematic aspects of personality. We offer a free evaluation for users and collect data that can be used for scientific research. Thus, your data will “echo in eternity” sounds dramatic, but basically, it’s true; your results in the data pool are de-identified and may go on to help countless others. Our promise to you is confidentiality and respect for your valuable contribution to the science of psychology.

PersonalaMe is not an alternative to therapy or a form of crisis support.
The psychological tests on the Personalame website are intended for educational purposes, not self-diagnosis. Importantly, psychological problems are often underpinned by biological, psychological, and social considerations. Therefore, even if you have some problematic personality characteristics, don’t worry. You’re not the only one and your personality may only be one piece of the puzzle to support your psychological wellbeing.
An Example of Your PersonalaMe Data
Here are your results displayed in three graphs. First, a line graph consisting of 25 individual personality facets. Second, a web graph that combines several facets into personality domains. Third, a bar graph that provides a quick impression of your personality functioning.
Understanding Your Results
A personality score can be interpreted in several ways. One helpful method is to compare your score to a sample average from the general population. For example, the individual facet graph seen above compares your results (in orange) to a normative data sample (in green). The sample scores (in green) are from 600 individuals in the general community without any mental health concerns (Bach et al., 2017). The green lines indicate one standard deviation above and below the sample average facet scores.
Understanding Your Results
The above graph represents your trait level analysis of five broad domains. These five domains shown above are scored using combinations of your facets. For example, the trait domain Negative Affect is comprised of scores from the individual facets of Emotional Lability, Anxiousness, and Separation Insecurity. In comparison, Antagonism’s trait domain is defined by the facets of Manipulativeness, Deceitfulness, and Grandiosity. Psychoticism by the facets of Unusual Beliefs & Experiences, Eccentricity, and Perceptual Dysregulation. Detachment by the facets of Withdrawal, Anhedonia, and Intimacy Avoidance and Disinhibition by Irresponsibility, Impulsivity, and Distractibility.
Understanding Your Results
Maybe you have looked at your personality results and noticed that some of your facets are outside the green lines. Then you read the facet description and agreed it characterised the way you feel and behave. For example, if you were high in trait callousness and you find your comments are often upsetting people that are close to you. The next question might be, “is my high or low facet preventing me from being the person I want to be?”. Of course, this is not an easy question to answer. However, one indication maybe your level of personality functioning. The bar graph above is a measure of how your personality functions in relation to yourself and others. Suppose your Total Functioning Average score (orange bar) is higher than the green bar. In that case, it may be that aspects of your personality are keeping you from being the person you want to be! Link to the PersonalaMe Vision page (Function Comparison Data; Bach & Hutsebaut, 2018).
Importantly, psychological problems are often underpinned by biological, psychological, and social considerations. Therefore, even if you have some problematic personality characteristics, don’t worry. You’re not the only one, and your personality may only be one piece of the puzzle to support your psychological wellbeing.