PersonalaMe Vision
PersonalaMe is a confidential psychological science-based platform with three goals:
Goal One: To help you get out of your own way
Personality has been studied for over 2000 years, beginning with Hippocrates in 370 BCE. The word “personality” originates from the Latin word persona, which means “mask.” An individual’s personality combines traits and patterns that resemble behaviour, thought, motivation, and emotion. It drives us to think, feel, and behave in specific and consistent ways; in essence, it is what makes each of us unique. Over time, these patterns may strongly influence personal expectations, perceptions, values, and attitudes.
In other words, your personality can become an autopilot for your behaviour. This is particularly true during times of high stress and emotion.
Personality traits are different from person to person but within an individual are stable over time. After birth, environmental factors and maturation interact with a child’s temperament to shape their personality. Some aspects of our personalities are controlled by genetics. Twin studies have found that identical twins have similar personality traits. However, twins also have distinctly different personalities suggesting that genetics are not the only factor determining personality. Parents are among the earliest social interaction and emotional regulation models and play a crucial role in developing personality adaptation. Life experiences too may nourish and protect or starve and attack us; either way, your personality will adjust to give you the best chance of success and survival.
In summary, an individual’s personality is dynamic; a personality can change, the first step is identifying where to start from.
Goal Two: To demystify personality presentations for health professionals
An individual’s behaviour regarding a specific trait is not always consistent; who you are is a combination of cognitive processes, emotions, behaviour, and context, all interacting and simultaneously influencing each other. Therefore, we are all incredibly complex and unique. That is why we sometimes need help. A good health professional will often construct a visual map of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. Having a visual representation of your personality can provide a road map to guide this understanding. PersonalaMe uses a new test known as the PID-5. This test was designed by scientists to more accurately represent an individual difference in personality traits that may contribute to reduced mental health. Your health professional can assess and interpret the wealth of scientific literature produced on the PID-5, which identifies the relationship between your personality and possible maladaptive behaviours.
In summary, PersonalaMe uses the PID-5 personality test developed by the American Psychiatric Association; it is based in science and can be an invaluable tool for your health professional to guide the application of effective therapy.
Goal Three: To build research data for the Personality Inventory for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (PID-5)
To make the world a better place, our philosophy is simple, the more effective people on the planet, the better. Your de-identified data will become part of the Normative data creating a reference population that establishes a distribution of scores against which an individual’s scores can be compared. Normative data drives research and knowledge acquisition; it is obtained from large representative samples of the wider population. Your non-identifiable results will form part of the normative data sample of the future and may go on to assist breakthroughs in the diagnosis and treatment of problematic personalities.